Lavender lives.
In 2018, Lavender, a queer Women, Trans and Non-Binary-forward dance party, exploded onto Toronto’s nightlife scene.
Three years later, whether they attended a single dance party or all of them, Lavender lovers gather to celebrate forty dance parties worth of love, loss, longing and, of course, lesbianism of every possible stripe.
Poetry, prose, photography and art flow together like a club full of 300 sweaty, dancing, horny queers. Painting Church Street in Lavender is a love letter, a living historical document because Lavender’s history is far from over. Lavender lives.
Published: June 21, 2021
Editor and contributor Sica Saccone (she/they) is the founder of three year running party series Lavender which was recognized as Silver Best Party Series in NOW Magazine 2020 Readers Choice Awards, and is also the co-founder of Flamingo Market which was recognized in NOW Magazine and Toronto Star 2020 Readers Choice Awards. You can see her work in Crown Anthology published by Andrews McMeel (2018), she is an emerging writer who is a lover of all things queer.
Assistant editor Tianna Henry (she/her) is a queer event curator, editor and the Community Outreach Coordinator at Glad Day Bookshop. She is an editor of the Smut Peddlers Zine, was nominated for a Lambda award 2021 and featured in Cosmopolitan magazine 2021. You can find her every Sunday with the rest of the Sapphic Sundays team and hosting Smut Peddlers readings.
Goblin Cat is a small talent launchpad, publishing high production, limited issue zines and chapbooks by emerging queer, trans and non-binary authors and artists. Their first two titles, Horrifying Beasts from our Trans Nightmares and DARK: a queer BDSM erotica zine, were published in 2021. Cattus petit lautitias.